Happy New Year! my name is Praise, i wanted a unique name for my writing so I went for Esiarp, it’s just Praise spelt backwards. I promised myself to write more this year and what better way to start than to give a review about how my last year went. I was going to post this earlier but here we are i’m just going to dive into it and give a summary on every aspects of my life last year and how it all went down.
I started the year with mixed feelings, i had no idea how the year was going to be for me, i had no expectations at all because the year before that was the real ghetto. I just knew i wanted it to be better at least but that wasn’t the case at first. Beginning of the year started off mid, then April i received a news that literally shattered my heart (I failed school) a week before my birthday. My birthday came and a day i was supposed to be excited, i spent it feeling sad. The months and days after that was just a blur.
August my love life hit a rock, i believe it happened before then but let’s just say I found out that month. I started the year in what we’d like to call a situationship and i should have known better but it was good and fun while it lasted because i really liked him and hoped for something more with him but distance was a big factor for both of us and we knew if we held on we’d probably just keep wasting each other’s time. And i’m low-key glad it ended because it gave me a new sense of direction, my stand on situationships remain the same (don’t do it). Career wise it was hard because after failing school everything about my career came to a halt, i felt stuck for months and days. I remember reading for my exams again and sobbing, i was depressed for days leading up to weeks and months. That’s where being grateful for my friends comes in, one thing i’m sure of is i’m blessed and lucky to have the people i call friends, they held me through everything.
Fast forward to November, i passed and graduated from school. The biggest highlight of my year, i cried tears of Joy for days and i’m not kidding. I also had a convocation photoshoot, it’s been a while i had any photoshoot done so this was special because it was my convocation after waiting long for this moment. I was so happy, that single news changed the direction of my year and life. So, the year wasn’t so bad after all.
December was a good month too, it’s safe to say the last two months of the year was my best. Generally last year taught me that i’m stronger than i think, i don’t know how i was able to pull through everything that happened to me but i did it and I’m in a better space mentally now, I have plans for my career now and as for Love, i’ll be giving her a break this year. Do i have expectations for this year? yes i do and i look forward accomplishing them.